Councillors must be at least 18 years of age and be a Commonwealth citizen (which includes a British subject) or a citizen of a member state of the European Union. Prospective councillors must also qualify for membership of the Council under one of the following four provisions of S79 of the Local Government Act 1972:

1. Are on the electoral register for the Parish

OR for the whole of the preceding 12 months:

2. Owned or rented land in the Parish

3. Worked in the Parish

4. Lived in the Parish or within three miles (five kilometres) of the Parish boundary

If a seat falls vacant during the 4 years between elections a new Councillor can be co- opted to join the Council.

Any vacancies will be advertised on this page. For further information please contact the Town Clerk at the Town Council Offices, The Almonry, High Street, Battle, TN33 0EA, or via email

The Town Council will review all responses at a Council meeting, to which you will be invited.
